Saturday, December 6, 2008

12/6/08 ROAR

A History of Costume
By:Rachel H. Kemper

  • Man's first clothing was a potent weapon for war.
  • The use of ornaments such as necklaces became popular.
  • Costume was alsoused to enhance man's earliest religious rituals.
  • Religious costume retained magical significance throughout much of human history.
  • The curious fashion trend has been around ever since the Renaissance.


  • What started the use of costumes?
  • What did costumes have to do with religion?
  • What about the ornaments atrracted female attention?
  • Were these costumes used for war?


  • embellishments:Term used to describe personalized engraving or additional ornamentation added to a knife after it is manufactured.
  • rudimentary:Basic; minimal; with less than, or only the minimum, necessary.
  • relating to viewing simple material phenomena as resultant from innate spiritual beings within the subject matter.

2literary terms:

  • "you solute the uniform and not the man."

1overview statement:

  • Costumes have been used to define and distinguish men and women throughout history also to shape the appearence of a society.