Saturday, December 6, 2008

12/6/08 ROAR

A History of Costume
By: Rachel H. kemper

  • Greek costume evolved out of a combination of Doric and Ionic elements.
  • The basic costume for men was the exioms, a strip of cloth fastened on the left shoulder and the right arm free.
  • Womens costume was equally uncomplicated.
  • Athenian women were not allowed to retain their Doric pelpos for long.
  • Ionic costume was popular on the mainland.


  • Why weren't women allowed keep their pieces for long?
  • How was Greek costume formed?
  • Why was Ionic costume popular in the mainland?
  • Why were men's clothing so basic?


  • pelpos:
  • exioms:In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated but considered to be self-evident.
  • Ionic:One of the five classical orders, characterized by capitals with spiral elements called "volutes," a fasciated entablature, continuous.

1overview statement:

  • Men and women had very different styles of clothing during the course of history and they were dressed according to their society.